Category: People

  • Discussing Salary at Interview – Best or Worst Idea?

    Discussing Salary at interview. I was always told growing up this was a bad idea. But is that really the case? When it comes to job interviews, one of the most hotly debated topics is whether or not to discuss salary. Should you bring it up early in the process, or is it better to…

  • Discussing Pay in the Workplace Is Impossible to Prevent. What Should You Do?”

    Discussing pay in the workplace is invevitable in today’s modern workplace. However, this chatter at the water cooler can also become inflamitory. While employers may try to discourage or even prohibit employees from discussing their compensation with one another, the reality is that such conversations are nearly impossible to prevent entirely. So, what should you…

  • Why Discussing Pay Rates at Work is Not Always the Best Idea

    Money, they say, makes the world go ’round, and it’s no secret that discussions about pay rates can be a touchy subject in the workplace. While transparency and open communication are generally beneficial, there are valid reasons why discussing pay rates at work may not always be the best idea. Let’s explore some of these…

  • Clear Communication Protocols for Seamless Collaboration

    Clear communication protocols, often underestimated yet profoundly influential, can make or break an organization’s ability to innovate, adapt, and thrive. In the bustling realm of modern business, effective communication is the linchpin that holds operations together. The intricate web of interactions between team members, stakeholders, and partners demands a strategic approach to ensure information flows…

  • Breathing Techniques At Work: Breath For Success – In Business

    Breathing techniques at work was not a module last time I checked in business school. But wouldn’t you agree that… In the fast-paced world of business, where decisions are made in the blink of an eye and challenges arise at every turn, the significance of breathing is often overlooked. Yet, the simple act of taking…

  • What are group norms?

    What are group norms?

    Why answering the question “What are group norms” is key to success… What are group norms? If you read What is a workplace? you know how the psychological space is an important part of your organizations structure. Knowing is the first step towards being able to make the changes, that resualt in the success you…